General Landcare funding information

The three levels of government in Australia offer financial support for sustainable agriculture and improved environmental management of public and private land. All these schemes have their own guidelines, timelines and application forms.

The funding landscape has changed greatly in the last 15 years. Grant funding currently requires some kind of plan to guide the investment and/or is directed at larger, collaborative projects and is less likely to be granted to an individual property. As a not-for profit network we continually attempt to secure funding for the community based on existing plans or projects. If we are aware of your interests and goals for your property, we will be better equipped to design projects that may benefit the collective.
Funding opportunities do present themselves and if we know about you and what you are doing on your land, we may be able to include you in an application. Please fill out our Expression of Interest Form if you are interested.
Funding for weed control is something we are often asked about. It is important that landholders understand it is their responsibility to control weeds on their property. Unfortunately Landcare does not have funds to assist people with this specifically. Most funding bodies will not invest in weed control on a private property unless eradication will benefit a threatened species or plant community and even then, the environmental outcomes from investment would need to be clearly demonstrated as benefiting the wider landscape with a guarantee of continued maintenance by the land owner.

We can offer help with project development and application writing. For an application to have a good chance of success ,the project needs to be well planned. This takes time and we encourage all interested landholders to plan their projects well in advance of any funding deadlines and to research the funding agencies guidelines and criteria first.

Australian Government Funding

The Australian Government National Landcare Programme will invest $1 billion over the next four years to help drive sustainable agriculture as well as supporting the protection, conservation and rehabilitation of Australia’s natural environment.

The National Landcare Programme merges previous funding initiatives into one simple programme that puts Landcare back at the centre of natural resource management.

Across Australia, the National Landcare Programme is supporting sustainable land management practices to deliver long-term benefits to our communities, our environment, our economy and our country. For more on their funding programs visit

State Government Funding

The key NSW State environmental funding body for Landcare and other natural resource management projects is the Environmental Trust. The Trust’s main programs are Restoration and Rehabilitation, Eco Schools, Environmental Education and the Protecting our Places Aboriginal natural resource management program. The programs are open annually, at various times of the year visit

Regional Funding

The North Coast Local Land Services is also an important source pf project funding for Landcare works. Projects are posted on the NCLLS Website and are contracted to organisations (such as Bellinger Landcare) as well as individuals through the annual Incentives Program. Funding for local projects are ususally advertised and delivered locally by the contracting organsiations. Contact the Landcare Office for current projects running in the Bellinger/Dorrigo areas. Visit

Local Government Funding

Bellingen Shire Council has an annual round of community projects funded under the Environmental Levy. This is currently open visit