Jagun yaam Gumbaynggirrgundi. This is (the) Country of the Gumbaynggirr people.
Bellinger Landcare: ” Empowering our community to create and connect healthy ecosystems across the Shire”
Bellinger Landcare is a not-for-profit umbrella organisation which supports the Landcare community across the Bellingen Shire, including the Bellinger Valley, Dorrigo Plateau and Coast. We are an independent, professional and community-based organisation providing support and leadership for community involvement in natural resource management now and into the future. Bellinger Landcare Inc is directed by a voluntary executive committee elected from our membership each year at our annual general meeting.
You can become a member to get our emails, connect with a local landcare group, or follow us on facebook to stay in touch with our activities. You can also access some of our resources and check out our projects via the menu above.